RRS 'Challenger' Cruise 98, 29 November - 5 December 1992; RV 'Belgica' Cruise 92/14, 15 - 23 December 1992; RRS 'Challenger' Cruise 100, 25 February - 3 March 1993; and RV 'Belgica' Cruise 93/6, 18 March 1993. CSTAB - Circ
Marine Sciences
Williams, J. J.
Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory
来源: NERC Open Research Archive
【 摘 要 】
The IOSDL MultiMet meteorological instrumentation system was used during the BOFS experiment on RRS Charles Darwin cruises 46 and 47. This report describes and evaluates the quality of the meteorological data obtained. Recommendations for using the data include a 0.45��C correction to the forward dry bulb temperature and the use of wind directions from the main mast wind vane rather than the foremast propellor -vane. The temperature difference between the foremast and wheelhousetop psychrometer measurements was found to be a function of solar radiation and wind speed. A model of this effect was developed. From anemometer comparisons acceleration of the air flow over the ship was estimated to be 4%. The solar radiation sensors agreed to within a few W/m2 except for anomalous values on two days.
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