The potential for aquaculture using saline groundwater
Shearer, T.R. ; Wagstaff, S.J. ; Calow, R. ; Stewart, J.A. ; Muir, J.F. ; Haylor, G.S. ; Brooks, A.C.
British Geological Survey
来源: NERC Open Research Archive
【 摘 要 】
Discovery Cruise 226 (Leg 2) was the second of a series of cruises within a 3-year contract (MAS3 CT950018), BENGAL, funded under the MAST III programme of the EU and running from February 1996 to January 1999. The overall objective of the contract is to monitor the influence of the seasonal sedimentation of phytodetritus on the benthic biology and chemistry of a study site on the Porcupine Abyssal Plain. Cruise 226 was timed to precede the current year��s input of phytodetritus expected in May/June. The intention was to obtain a series of samples and data as long as possible after the previous year��s input and to service deployed moorings. The cruise experienced excellent weather and, with the exception of some gear failures and losses, the most serious being the loss of an imprint lander system, was very successful, achieving almost all of the intended sampling.
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