Water-Energy Nexus: Business Risks and Rewards--Policy Options to Reduce Energy-Related GHG Emissions
Eliot Metzger ; Paul Reig ; William Hua Wen ; Robert Samuel Young ; Brandon Owens
World Resources Institute
关键词: corporate sustainability;    efficiency;    business;    energy;    gender;    innovation;    oil and gas;    renewable energy;    shale gas;    water;    water stress;   
ISBN  :  978-1-56973-883-2
来源: World Resources Institute Publication
【 摘 要 】

Water scarcity challenges industries around the world. Global population growth and economic development suggest a future of increased demand, competition, and cost for limited freshwater supplies. Scarcer water, in turn, creates new challenges for energy supply because coal, oil, gas, and electricity production can require massive amounts of freshwater. Yet many countries will need more energy for energy-intensive water treatment options, like seawater desalination, to meet their growing demand for water.This report illustrates these emerging risks and offers ideas for finding solutions at the water-energy nexus.WRI engages with companies through thought leadership and impact funding partnerships. General Electric co-authored and provided funding for this report.

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