The objective of this study has been to define and describe 'convergence' of the communications and audiovisual content markets; to determine its impact on regulations and market governance; to explore specific issues, such as spectrum policy and net neutrality; and to review different regulatory and governance approaches in the United States, United Kingdom and South Korea. This report develops general insights. In setting the scope of this study, OPTA decided to exclude specific assessment of the situation in the Netherlands, or the application of the study findings to the Dutch context. This report is thus intended to provide background information to a wider debate in the Netherlands on the review of the overall regulatory and governance approach; and not pre-empt such a discussion. It is written for an audience with a basic understanding of the underlying economics. The context of this report reflects the findings and views of the authors and neither represents the opinion nor policies of OPTA. The study was conducted over the period March 2008- August 2008.