Sustainable Development in the National Health Service (NHS): The views and values of NHS leaders
Tom Ling ; Janice S. Pedersen ; Samuel Drabble ; Claire Celia ; Laura Brereton ; Christine Tiefensee
RAND Corporation
RAND Corporation
关键词: Health Care Organization and Administration;    United Kingdom;    Environmental Sustainability;    Survey Research Methodology;    Environmental and Natural Resource Management;    Global Health;   
RP-ID  :  TR-1210-NHS/SDU
来源: RAND Corporation Published Research
【 摘 要 】

This report presents National Health Service (NHS) leaders' views of priorities and approaches regarding sustainable development in the NHS. It was produced in close collaboration with the United Kingdom (UK) NHS Sustainable Development Unit (SDU), and it represents the first systematic picture of leadership views in the NHS. It also provides a commentary on ways forward. Analysis draws on results of a survey of 172 leaders of NHS organisations (primarily chief executives), 12 follow-up interviews, interviews with the SDU, and additional data and literature searches. A major conclusion is that almost all leaders consider sustainable development to be important for the NHS and that a focus on sustainability can most likely be aligned with delivering other corporate goals. Aligned incentives at all organisational levels and support for diversity are considered necessary to achieve sustainability, as well as relevant performance metrics. The main barrier is organisational culture.

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