Evaluation of the implementation of the Europol Council Decision and of Europol’s activities
Emma Disley ; Barrie Irving ; William Hughes ; Bhanu Patruni
RAND Corporation
RAND Corporation
关键词: European Union;    Law Enforcement;    Public Safety Legislation;    Domestic Intelligence;   
来源: RAND Corporation Published Research
【 摘 要 】
Europol is the European Police Office — an international police organisation formed to promote and strengthen cooperation among law enforcement agencies in the European Union. Although established since the 1990s, Europol became an entity of the EU in January 2010 as a result of the Europol Council Decision. The Europol Management Board commissioned RAND Europe, in partnership with BlueLight Global Solutions, to conduct an independent assessment of the implementation of the Europol Council Decision and the activities subsequently carried out by Europol. The evaluation is wide in scope, covering a range of operational, administrative, and governance issues, including: the effect of Europol's new status as an entity of the EU; the relationship between Europol and Member States; Europol's role as an intelligence hub and in the analysis of personal data; and cooperation between Europol and other EU agencies, Third States and external partners (including the private sector).
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