Hospice Experience of Care Survey: Development and Field Test
Rebecca Anhang Price ; Denise D. Quigley ; Melissa A. Bradley ; Joan M. Teno ; Layla Parast ; Marc N. Elliott ; Ann C. Haas ; Brian Dale Stucky ; Brianne Mingura ; Karl Lorenz
RAND Corporation
RAND Corporation
关键词: Hospice Care;    Health Care Quality Measurement;    Survey Research Methodology;    Patient Experience;   
DOI  :  10.7249/RR657
RP-ID  :  RR-657-CMS
来源: RAND Corporation Published Research
【 摘 要 】

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has implemented care experience surveys for a variety of settings but none for hospice care. In September 2012, CMS contracted the RAND Corporation to design and field-test a future Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) survey to measure the experiences that patients and their caregivers have with hospice care. The survey was developed to (1) provide a source of information from which selected measures could be publicly reported to beneficiaries and their family members as a decision aid for selection of a hospice program, (2) aid hospices with their internal quality improvement efforts and external benchmarking with other facilities, and (3) provide CMS with information for monitoring the care provided. This report briefly summarizes the work conducted to develop and field-test the new survey, the Hospice Experience of Care Survey (HECS). It provides an overview of the survey development process, describes the field test design and procedures, presents analytic methods and findings from the field test, and presents the final survey instrument for national implementation.

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