Assessing Locally Focused Stability Operations
Jan Osburg ; Christopher Paul ; Lisa Saum-Manning ; Dan Madden ; Leslie Adrienne Payne
RAND Corporation
RAND Corporation
关键词: Global Security;    Security Cooperation;    Low-intensity Conflict;    Land Warfare;    Peacekeeping and Stability Operations;    Civil-Military Relations;    Asymmetric Warfare;    Africa;    United States Army;   
DOI  :  10.7249/RR387
ISBN  :  9780833085641
RP-ID  :  RR-387-A
来源: RAND Corporation Published Research
【 摘 要 】
This report describes how the Army and other services can better measure and assess the progress and outcomes of locally focused stability operations (LFSO), which are defined as the missions, tasks, and activities that build security, governance, and development by, with, and through the directly affected community, in order to increase stability at the local level. A number of issues related to assessing LFSO are identified, along with foundational challenges that include an inherently complex operational environment, limited doctrinal guidance, competing visions of stability, untested assumptions, and redundant or excessive reporting requirements. The report offers solutions to these and other challenges, and provides concrete recommendations and implementation-related guidance for designing and conducting assessments of LFSO. The report concludes with an assessment plan for a notional African LFSO scenario that illustrates the practical application of those insights.
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