Usability and Effectiveness of Advanced General Aviation Cockpit Displays for Visual Flight Procedure
Williams KW, Ball JD
FAA Office of Aerospace Medicine - Civil Aerospace Medical Institute
关键词: Human Factors;    Advanced Cockpit Displays;    Navigation;    General Aviation;    Usability;    CDTI;   
RP-ID  :  DOT/FAA/AM-04/20
来源: Federal Aviation Administration
【 摘 要 】

Twenty-four pilots participated in a study examining the usability and effectiveness of a set of advanced general aviation cockpit displays under visual flight procedures. Use of the displays for navigation and the ability to identify landmarks were measured using both objective and subjective formats. In addition, the effect of the displays on the ability to locate traffic out-the-window was measured both objectively and subjectively. Differences were found in the ability to navigate, to locate landmarks, and in the identification of traffic, when using the advanced displays. However, use of the displays decreased the amount of time that pilots spent looking outside of the aircraft. Implications of the findings are discussed.

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