A fuzzy-logic "performance control" system, providing envelope protection and direct command of airspeed, vertical velocity, and turn rate, was evaluated in a reconfigurable general aviation simulator (configured as a Piper Malibu) at the FAA Civil Aerospace Medical Institute. Performance of 24 individuals (6 each of high-time pilots, low-time pilots, student pilots, and nonpilots) was assessed during a flight task requiring participants to track a 3-D course, from take-off to landing, represented by a graphical pathway primary flight display. Baseline performance for each subject was also collected with a conventional control system. All participants operated each system with minimal explanation of its functioning and no training. Results indicated that the fuzzy-logic performance control reduced variable error and overshoots, required less time for novices to learn (as evidenced by time to achieve stable performance), required less effort to use (reduced control input activity), and was preferred by all groups.