United States Airline Transport Pilot International Flight Language Experiences Report 2: Word Meaning and Pronunciation
Prinzo OV, Campbell A, Hendrix A, Hendrix R
FAA Office of Aerospace Medicine - Civil Aerospace Medical Institute
关键词: Communications;    ATC Communication;    Air Traffic Control;   
RP-ID  :  DOT/FAA/AM-10/7
来源: Federal Aviation Administration
【 摘 要 】

In 1998, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) took a heightened interest in the role of language in airline accidents. Its Air Navigation Commission was directed to strengthen relevant ICAO provisions concerning language requirements. Member states agreed to take steps to ensure air traffic control (ATC) personnel and flight crews involved in flight operations in airspace where the use of the English language is required were proficient in conducting and comprehending radiotelephony communications in English.

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