Augmented Reality for Immersive Remote Collaboration
Gelb, Dan ; Subramanian, Anbumani ; Tan, Kar-Han
HP Development Company
关键词: augmented reality;    remote collaboration;    computer vision;    natural interaction;    immersive experiences;   
RP-ID  :  HPL-2010-201
来源: HP Labs
【 摘 要 】

Video conferencing systems are designed to deliver a collaboration experience that is as close as possible to actually meeting in person. Current systems, however, do a poor job of integrating video streams presenting the users with shared collaboration content. Real and virtual content are unnaturally separated, leading to problems with nonverbal communication and the overall conference experience. Methods of interacting with shared content are typically limited to pointing with a mouse, which is not a natural component of face-to-face human conversation. This paper presents a natural and intuitive method for sharing digital content within a meeting using augmented reality and computer vision. Real and virtual content is seamlessly integrated into the collaboration space. We develop new vision based methods for interacting with inserted digital content including target finding and gesture based control. These improvements let us deliver an immersive collaboration experience using natural gesture and object based interaction.

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