Semantic Views for Controlled Access to the Semantic Web
Manjunath, Geetha ; Sayers, Craig ; Reynolds, Dave ; KS, Venugopal ; Mohalik, Swarup Kumar ; R, Badrinath ; Recker, John Ludd ; Mesarina, Malena
HP Development Company
关键词: semantic web;    security;    access control;    semantics;    views;    RDF;    OWL;   
RP-ID  :  HPL-2008-15
来源: HP Labs
【 摘 要 】

The Semantic Web provides a good data integration and knowledge representation framework enabling sophisticated applications to reason and infer new information. Controlled access to data is extremely important when such data is being shared among multiple users. In this paper, we describe a framework that provides selective access to RDF data by supporting strict views over the semantic store. We propose a view specification language that enables specification of access restrictions using domain semantics. The view specification is materialized as an RDF graph model representing a sub ontology of the base ontology by our view system. Standard SPARQL queries and other graph operations can be performed on this view model. Our view mechanism has been implemented over the popular semantic web software framework, Jena and Joseki. Publication Info: To be presented and published in Workshop on Semantic Web for Collaborative Knowledge Acquisition, SWeCKA'07 12 Pages

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