Navigating Large Hierarchical Space Using Invisible Links
Hao, Ming ; Hsu, Meichun ; Dayal, Umesh ; Krug, Adrian
HP Development Company
关键词: invisible link;    navigation;    hierarchical space;    cycles;    cross links;   
RP-ID  :  HPL-2000-8
来源: HP Labs
【 摘 要 】

To date, many web visualization applications have shown the usefulness of a hyperbolic tree. However, we have discovered that strict hierarchical tree structures are too limited. For many practical applications, we need to generalize a hyperbolic tree to a hyperbolic space. This approach results in massive cross-links in a highly connected graph that clutter the display. To resolve this problem, an invisible link technique is introduced. In this paper, we describe the navigation in a large hyperbolic space using invisible links in some detail. We have applied this invisible link method to three data mining visualization applications: e-business web navigation for URL visits, customer call center for question- answer service, and web site index creation. 11 Pages

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