The Driving Motivations of Stakeholders in the Delivery of Privacy
Nickel, Cyndi ; Sander, Tomas ; Bramhall, Pete
HP Development Company
关键词: privacy;    compliance;    privacy enhancing technology;   
RP-ID  :  HPL-2008-153
来源: HP Labs
【 摘 要 】

This paper presents a consolidated view of the requirements of stakeholders of an enterprise's privacy implementation. Because there are so many stakeholders in enterprise privacy, the paper also analyzes the tension between the stakeholders as they relate to purchasing behavior of privacy enabling technology. An action this paper motivates is the creation of technology so enterprises might operate in a privacy-respecting manner. The paper is meant to encourage development of products and services that have maximum understanding and therefore appeal across the various stakeholders. Some of the assertions in this paper are supported by interviews of stakeholders within a variety of enterprises in and across geographies and business sectors, who each have been promised anonymity. Enterprise customers reading this document will benefit from understanding concerns of other enterprise privacy stakeholders, filling gaps or oversights for privacy problems that may be pending but not yet surfaced in their own enterprise.

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