The last decade has seen tremendous growth in mobile devices such as Pocket PCs, mobile phones, Tablet PCs and notebooks. Most of these devices enable interaction through a stylus or touch interface, powered by handwriting recognition (HWR) capability. In this paper, we propose a novel input method that addresses some of the issues that arise due to the constraints posed by these devices in accepting handwriting input. For instance, many of the devices have a small writing area making "continuous" input difficult if not impossible, and the process of handwriting input demands significant user attention. The proposed solution is inspired by touch-typing, and appreciably reduces user's effort in the interaction, and it is especially suited for very small writing areas. The approach has been demonstrated using a prototype system that recognizes handwritten English words, and its accuracy has been evaluated using a standard dataset of handwritten words. A preliminary user study has also been carried out to understand user acceptance of the proposed technique. Publication Info: Submitted to 2008 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Canary Island, Spain, Jan 13-16, 2008.