On-Demand BlueTooth: Experience integrating BlueTooth in Connection Diversity
Tourrilhes, Jean
HP Development Company
关键词: wireless;    BlueTooth;    TCP/IP;    BNEP;    inquiry;   
RP-ID  :  HPL-2003-51
来源: HP Labs
【 摘 要 】

This paper describes our experiences implementing the Connection Diversity framework over the BlueTooth wireless link layer: The goal of this work is to enable TCP / IP applications to transparently use BlueTooth. First, we describe how Connection Diversity interfaces to the link layer and its requirements. We explain in detail various aspects of the implementation, including the management of connections, discovery, Co-Link and name resolution. This implementation allowed us to test various usages models, and we report their performance characteristics. We then suggest a few improvements to the BlueTooth implementation to improve the suitability of BlueTooth for peer to peer applications. 6 Pages

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