Service discovery is essential to enable users to effectively search for dynamically available services. Multicast is used extensively by many service discovery protocols, but it is particularly expensive in ad hoc networks. It is also often difficult to interface different multicast protocols used in different types of networks. In this work, we design a service discovery protocol for heterogeneous ad hoc communications that combines the solutions to these two issues. At the center of the protocol are: 1) clustering of devices according to the physical communication media each device supports; 2) gateways that connect physical clusters and at the same time perform scoping, tunneling and informed forwarding of multicast service discovery traffic. The protocol demonstrates the use of scoping and tunneling to improve multicast performance at the session layer and for heterogeneous ad hoc networks. The use of physical communication-based clustering at the service location protocol is an example of cross-layer optimization. Experiments with our Linux implementation of the protocol demonstrate the effectiveness of the protocol to improve the latency of service discovery and reduce bandwidth consumption. 9 Pages