Custom Fan Deck for Multi-Primary Visualization
Koh, Kok-Wei ; Moroney, Nathan ; Gottwals, Melanie ; Dispoto, Gary
HP Development Company
关键词: color;    publishing;    clustering;    print automation;    indigo;    PDF;   
RP-ID  :  HPL-2012-153
来源: HP Labs
【 摘 要 】

The visualization of color choices plays an important role in many applications. A printed fan deck is a common tool for visualizing and selecting colors for painting a room, for example. While there are many similar examples, almost all involve some standard pre-defined color palette that is professionally arranged onto a fan deck and printed in large quantities for future distribution to end users. However, what happens if any of the printing parameters changes (substrate, inks) or if you have a very specific task in mind that only requires a small subset of colors? In this case, a custom printed fan deck would provide a more up-todate and efficient format for visualizing the color choices for this specific task. We developed a system for creating custom fan decks that works particularly well for visualizing colors in a multiprimary printing system. First, the set of colors to include in the

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