The Semantic Web is growing in both size and complexity, with the number of data sources and vocabularies both increasing. This report shows how large RDF databases can be accessed in smaller, more manageable chunks, known as RDF Objects. RDF Objects encapsulate compound data structures, giving applications a more granular view of a database. Applications can control the size and structure of RDF Objects by altering the data extraction rule and by filtering the returned data by vocabulary. Links between RDF Objects, analogous to hypertext links, enable applications to connect and navigate data across different databases. OWL and DAML ontologies are used to discover the identifying properties of resources, allowing information to be aggregated from multiple databases without the need for constant identifiers. An HTTP implementation of an RDF Object Server has been developed and used to develop tools for W3C Working Groups. Notes: Enquiries concerning this report should be directed to Andy Seaborne email: 9 Pages