Photodetectors on Coronagraph Mask for Pointing Control
Balasubramanian, Kunjithapatham
PID  :  NTRS Document ID: 20100002822
RP-ID  :  NPO-42552
来源: NASA Technical Reports Server
【 摘 要 】

It has been proposed to install a symmetrical array of photodetectors about the center of the mask of a coronagraph of the type used to search for planets orbiting remote stars. The purpose of this installation is to utilize the light from a star under observation as a guide in pointing the telescope. Simple arithmetic processing of the outputs of the photodetectors would provide indications of the lateral position of the center of the mask relative to the center of the image of the star. These indications could serve as pointing-control feedback signals for adjusting the telescope aim to center the image of the star on the mask. The widths of central mask areas available for placement of photodetectors differ among coronagraph designs, typically ranging upward from about 100 m. Arrays of photodetectors can readily be placed within areas in this size range. The number of detectors in an array could be as small as 4 or as large as 64. The upper limit on the number of detectors would be determined according to the extent of the occulting pattern and the number of functionalities, in addition to pointing control, to be served by the array.

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