Habitat Size Optimization of the O'Neill - Glaser Economic Model for Space Solar Satellite Production
Detweiler, Michael ; Curreri, Peter A.
PID  :  NTRS Document ID: 20100041325
RP-ID  :  M10-0959
RP-ID  :  M11-0292
来源: NASA Technical Reports Server
【 摘 要 】
Creating large space habitats by launching all materials from Earth is prohibitively expensive. Using space resources and space based labor to build space solar power satellites can yield extraordinary profits after a few decades. The economic viability of this program depends on the use of space resources and space labor. To maximize the return on the investment, the early use of high density bolo habitats is required. Other shapes do not allow for the small initial scale required for a quick population increase in space. This study found that 5 Man Year, or 384 person bolo high density habitats will be the most economically feasible for a program started at year 2010 and will cause a profit by year 24 of the program, put over 45,000 people into space, and create a large system of space infrastructure for the further exploration and development of space.
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