Adding Hierarchical Objects to Relational Database General-Purpose XML-Based Information Managements
Lin, Shu-Chun ; Knight, Chris ; Gawdiak, Yuri ; Maluf, David ; Tran, Khai Peter ; La, Tracy ; Bell, David
PID  :  NTRS Document ID: 20110012964
RP-ID  :  ARC-14662-1
来源: NASA Technical Reports Server
【 摘 要 】
NETMARK is a flexible, high-throughput software system for managing, storing, and rapid searching of unstructured and semi-structured documents. NETMARK transforms such documents from their original highly complex, constantly changing, heterogeneous data formats into well-structured, common data formats in using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and/or Extensible Markup Language (XML). The software implements an object-relational database system that combines the best practices of the relational model utilizing Structured Query Language (SQL) with those of the object-oriented, semantic database model for creating complex data. In particular, NETMARK takes advantage of the Oracle 8i object-relational database model using physical-address data types for very efficient keyword searches of records across both context and content. NETMARK also supports multiple international standards such as WEBDAV for drag-and-drop file management and SOAP for integrated information management using Web services. The document-organization and -searching capabilities afforded by NETMARK are likely to make this software attractive for use in disciplines as diverse as science, auditing, and law enforcement.
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