Method and system for aligning fibers during electrospinning
Rhim, Caroline ; Holloway, Nancy M. ; Scott-Carnell, Lisa A. ; Stephens, Ralph M ; Siochi, Emilie J. ; Clark, Robert L. ; Niklason, Laura
PID  :  NTRS Document ID: 20110015399
来源: NASA Technical Reports Server
【 摘 要 】
A method and system are provided for aligning fibers in an electrospinning process. A jet of a fiberizable material is directed towards an uncharged collector from a dispensing location that is spaced apart from the collector. While the fiberizable material is directed towards the collector, an elliptical electric field is generated via the electrically charged dispenser and an oppositely-charged control location. The field spans between the dispensing location and the control location that is within line-of-sight of the dispensing location, and impinges upon at least a portion of the collector. Various combinations of numbers and geometries of dispensers, collectors, and electrodes can be used.
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