Attenuation of Scattered Thermal Energy Atomic Oxygen
Banks, Bruce A. ; McPhate, Jason B. ; Miller, Sharon K. ; Seroka, Katelyn T.
PID  :  NTRS Document ID: 20110012904
RP-ID  :  E-17693-1
来源: NASA Technical Reports Server
【 摘 要 】
The attenuation of scattered thermal energy atomic oxygen is relevant to the potential damage that can occur within a spacecraft which sweeps through atomic oxygen in low Earth orbit (LEO). Although there can be significant oxidation and resulting degradation of polymers and some metals on the external surfaces of spacecraft, there are often openings on a spacecraft such as telescope apertures, vents, and microwave cavities that can allow atomic oxygen to enter and scatter internally to the spacecraft. Atomic oxygen that enters a spacecraft can thermally accommodate and scatter to ultimately react or recombine on surfaces. The atomic oxygen that does enter a spacecraft can be scavenged by use of high erosion yield polymers to reduce its reaction on critical surfaces and materials. Polyoxymethylene and polyethylene can be used as effective atomic oxygen scavenging polymers.
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