Thermal Optimization and Assessment of a Long Duration Cryogenic Propellant Depot
Kwas, Robert ; O'Neil, Gary ; Kutter, Bernard ; Honour, Ryan
PID  :  NTRS Document ID: 20110013691
RP-ID  :  KSC-2011-104R
RP-ID  :  KSC-2011-104
来源: NASA Technical Reports Server
【 摘 要 】
A Cryogenic Propellant Depot (CPD) operating in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) could provide many near term benefits to NASA space exploration efforts. These benefits include elongation/extension of spacecraft missions and reduction of launch vehicle up-mass requirements. Some of the challenges include controlling cryogenic propellant evaporation and managing the high costs and long schedules associated with new spacecraft hardware development. This paper describes a conceptual CPD design that is thermally optimized to achieve extremely low propellant boil-off rates. The CPD design is based on existing launch vehicle architecture, and its thermal optimization is achieved using current passive thermal control technology. Results from an integrated thermal model are presented showing that this conceptual CPD design can achieve propellant boil-off rates well under 0.05% per day, even when subjected to the LEO thermal environment.
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