Existence and Stability of Menisci in Detached Bridgman Growth
Mazuruk, K. ; Volz, M. P.
PID  :  NTRS Document ID: 20110015771
RP-ID  :  M11-0809
RP-ID  :  M11-0496
来源: NASA Technical Reports Server
【 摘 要 】
Detached growth, also referred to as dewetted growth, is a Bridgman crystal growth process in which the melt is in contact with the crucible wall but the crystal is not. A meniscus bridges the gap between the top of the crystal and the crucible wall. The Young-Laplace capillary equation was used to calculate the crystal radii of detached states as a function of the pressure differential across the meniscus. The detached states depend on the contact angle of the melt with the crucible wall, the growth angle of the melt with respect to the solidifying crystal, and the Bond number. A static stability analysis was performed on the calculated detached states. The stability criterion was the sign of the second variation of the potential energy upon admissible meniscus shape perturbations. The conditions considered corresponded to the growth of Ge and InSb, in both terrestrial and microgravity conditions. Stability was found to depend significantly on whether the interior surface was considered to be microscopically rough or smooth, corresponding to pinned or unpinned states. It was also found that all meniscus shapes which are single-valued functions of the radius are statically stable in a microgravity environment.
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