Cost Modeling for Space Optical Telescope Assemblies
Stahl, H. Philip ; Henrichs, Todd ; West, Miranda ; Luedtke, Alexander
PID  :  NTRS Document ID: 20110015777
RP-ID  :  M11-0930
RP-ID  :  M11-0599
来源: NASA Technical Reports Server
【 摘 要 】
Parametric cost models are used to plan missions, compare concepts and justify technology investments. This paper reviews an on-going effort to develop cost modes for space telescopes. This paper summarizes the methodology used to develop cost models and documents how changes to the database have changed previously published preliminary cost models. While the cost models are evolving, the previously published findings remain valid: it costs less per square meter of collecting aperture to build a large telescope than a small telescope; technology development as a function of time reduces cost; and lower areal density telescopes cost more than more massive telescopes.
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