Surface Support Systems for Co-Operative and Integrated Human/Robotic Lunar Exploration
Mueller, Robert P.
PID  :  NTRS Document ID: 20120003641
RP-ID  :  KSC-2006-138
RP-ID  :  IAC-06-A5.2.09
来源: NASA Technical Reports Server
【 摘 要 】
Human and robotic partnerships to realize space goals can enhance space missions and provide increases in human productivity while decreasing the hazards that the humans are exposed to. For lunar exploration, the harsh environment of the moon and the repetitive nature of the tasks involved with lunar outpost construction, maintenance and operation as well as production tasks associated with in-situ resource utilization, make it highly desirable to use robotic systems in co-operation with human activity. A human lunar outpost is functionally examined and concepts for selected human/robotic tasks are discussed in the context of a lunar outpost which will enable the presence of humans on the moon for extended periods of time.
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