Quasi-spherical direct drive fusion.
VanDevender, J. Pace ; Abbott, Lucas M. ; Langston, William L. ; McDaniel, Dillon Heirman ; Nash, Thomas J. ; Roderick, Norman Frederick ; Silva, M.
关键词: DIRECT DRIVE ICF;    DIRECT DRIVE LASER IMPLOSION;    PULSE RISE TIME;    MATHEMATICAL MODELS Fusion reactors.;    Z-Accelerator.;    Z-pinch plasma;    Nuclear fusion.;   
DOI  :  10.2172/902201
RP-ID  :  SAND2007-0235
PID  :  OSTI ID: 902201
Others  :  TRN: US0702894
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】
The authors present designs of quasi-spherical direction drive z-pinch loads for machines such as ZR at 28 MA load current with a 150 ns implosion time (QSDDI). A double shell system for ZR has produced a 2D simulated yield of 12 MJ, but the drive for this system on ZR has essentially no margin. A double shell system for a 56 MA driver at 150 ns implosion has produced a simulated yield of 130 MJ with considerable margin in attaining the necessary temperature and density-radius product for ignition. They also represent designs for a magnetically insulated current amplifier, (MICA), that modify the attainable ZR load current to 36 MA with a 28 ns rise time. The faster pulse provided by a MICA makes it possible to drive quasi-spherical single shell implosions (QSDD2). They present results from 1D LASNEX and 2D MACH2 simulations of promising low-adiabat cryogenic QSDD2 capsules and 1D LASNEX results of high-adiabat cryogenic QSDD2 capsules.
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