Errata Sheet for Post-Closure Inspection and Monitoring Report for Corrective Action Unit 110: Area 3 WMD U-3ax/bl Crater, Nevada Test Site, Nevada
NSTec Environmental Restoration
DOI  :  10.2172/924122
RP-ID  :  DOE/NV/25946--282
PID  :  OSTI ID: 924122
Others  :  TRN: US200806%%475
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

The last sentence of the second paragraph of the Executive Summary on page ix incorrectly states the period for repair. Cracks or areas of settling exceeding the 15 centimeters (6 inches) deep that extend 1.0 meter (3 feet) or more on the cover will be evaluated and repaired within 60 days of detection. The second sentence of the third paragraph of the Executive Summary on page ix incorrectly states the month that cover repair was performed while omitting the discovery of additional settling, which was repaired during the originally-stated repair month. The corrected sentence (with additional sentences added for clarification) reads, 'This area of settling on the cover was repaired in October 2006. Additional cracking was observed during the October 2006 repair that exceeded the action level and was repaired in December 2006.' The last sentence of the fourth bullet of Section 2.2 on page 5 incorrectly states the period for repair. Cracks or areas of settling exceeding the compliance criterion will be evaluated and repaired within 60 days. A repair event was omitted from Section 3.4 on page 13, which should be included as Subsection 3.4.1, 'October 26-30, 2006, Repairs'. The subtext included with this subsection should read, 'During the September 19, 2006, inspection, one area of settling on the southeast portion of the cover exceeded the settling compliance criterion. The area was repaired over the period of October 26-30, 2006. A portable, gas-powered tamper was used to compact the cracks in the cover. The area was backfilled with clean, native soil using wheelbarrows and shovels, and then compacted using the tamper.' Due to the inclusion of the previously-listed omission, Subsection 3.4.1 should be renumbered to Subsection 3.4.2, and the first sentence corrected to read, 'During the October 26-30, 2006, repair, an additional area of settling on the southeast portion of the cover was discovered that exceeded the settling compliance criterion'. The third sentence of the second paragraph of Section 4.0 on page 15 should be clarified to include values for both the current reporting period and 40-year average rainfall. The corrected sentences read, 'After the cover experienced drought conditions again in 2006, the current reporting period indicates continued drought conditions (6.29 cm [2.48 in.]) compared to the historical average since 1960 (16.31 cm [6.42 in.]). This will allow the cover to recover from the prior infiltration events and continue to equilibrate to steady-state conditions, at which time the soil moisture content trigger values will be set'. The first sentence of the second paragraph of Section 4.1 on page 16 incorrectly states the amount of rainfall for the period July 2006 through June 2007. The rainfall for this period should be 6.29 centimeters (2.48 inches). The second sentence of the second paragraph of Section 4.1 on page 16 incorrectly states the average annual precipitation for the period 1960 through 2005, where the average annual precipitation should be reported for the period 1960 through 2006. The average annual precipitation for this period is 16.31 centimeters (6.42 inches). The third sentence of the second paragraph of Section 4.1 on page 16 incorrectly states the amount of annual rainfall for the 2006 calendar year. The rainfall for this period should be 11.0 centimeters (4.33 inches). The last sentence of the second paragraph of Section 4.1 on page 16 incorrectly states the amount of rainfall for the period January 2007 through June 2007. The rainfall for this period should be 2.11 centimeters (0.83 inches).

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