Submittal of Final Post-Closure Inspection Letter Report for Corrective Action Unit 112: Area 23 Hazardous Waste Trenches, Nevada Test Site, Nevada, Revision 0, December 2007; DOE/NV--1103
NSTec Environmental Restoration
关键词: IMAGES;    MONITORING;    NEVADA TEST SITE;    PLANTS;    REMOVAL;    SOILS;    WASTES Post-Closure Letter Report CAU 112;   
DOI  :  10.2172/926205
RP-ID  :  DOE/NV--1103-LR
RP-ID  :  DOE/NV/25946--367
PID  :  OSTI ID: 926205
Others  :  TRN: US0803436
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】
This letter serves as the post-closure monitoring letter report for the above Corrective Action Unit (CAU) for the period October 2006-September 2007. Quarterly inspections were conducted on December 20,2006; March 29,2007; June 13,2007; and September 27, 2007, to observe the condition of the gate, use restriction warning signs, monuments, fencing, trenches, soil covers, and monitoring well covers. The first inspection was conducted on December 20,2006. Signs, fencing, riprap, monuments, and monitoring well covers were in excellent condition. No cracking, erosion, or subsidence was observed on the covers. No issues or concerns were identified, and no corrective actions were recommended. The second inspection was conducted on March 29,2007. Signs, fencing, riprap, monuments, and monitoring well covers were in excellent condition. No cracking, erosion, or subsidence was observed on the covers. Vegetation that was observed to be growing in several locations on the cover was the only identified concern, for which removal was recommended. Vegetation was removed on May 24,2007. The third inspection was conducted on June 13,2007. Signs, fencing, riprap, monuments, and monitoring well covers were in excellent condition. No cracking, erosion, or subsidence was observed on the covers. No issues or concerns were identified, and no corrective actions were recommended. The fourth inspection was conducted on September 27,2007. Signs, fencing, riprap, monuments, and monitoring well covers were in excellent condition. No cracking, erosion, or subsidence was observed on the covers. No issues or concerns were identified, and no corrective actions were recommended. The post-closure inspection checklists for CAU 112 are attached. Photographs and field notes taken during site inspections are maintained in the project files.
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