Renewable Energy Development on Fort Mojave Reservation Feasiblity Study
Russell Gum, ERCC analytics LLC
关键词: COLORADO RIVER;    ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT;    ECONOMICS;    ENERGY DEPENDENCE;    ENERGY SUPPLIES;    ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY;    EXPORTS;    FOSSIL FUELS Tribal;    Energy;    Feasibility Study;    Renewable energy;    renewable energy economics;   
DOI  :  10.2172/925505
RP-ID  :  None
PID  :  OSTI ID: 925505
Others  :  TRN: US200807%%403
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】
The Ft. Mojave tribe, whose reservation is located along the Colorado River in the states of Arizona, California, and Nevada near the point where all three states meet, has a need for increased energy supplies. This need is a direct result of the aggressive and successful economic development projects undertaken by the tribe in the last decade. While it is possible to contract for additional energy supplies from fossil fuel sources it was the desire of the tribal power company, AHA MACAV Power Service (AMPS) to investigate the feasibility and desirability of producing power from renewable sources as an alternative to increased purchase of fossil fuel generated power and as a possible enterprise to export green power. Renewable energy generated on the reservation would serve to reduce the energy dependence of the tribal enterprises on off reservation sources of energy and if produced in excess of reservation needs, add a new enterprise to the current mix of economic activities on the reservation. Renewable energy development would also demonstrate the tribe’s support for improving environmental quality, sustainability, and energy independence both on the reservation and for the larger community.
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