NGNP – Creating Validated TRL and TDRMs for Critical Systems, Subsystems, and Components
John W. Collins ; John M. Beck ; Emmanuel O. Opare ; Layne F. Pincock
关键词: DECISION MAKING;    DESIGN;    LICENSING;    SUPERCONDUCTING SUPER COLLIDER NGNP;    Technology Development Roadmap;    Technology Readiness Level;   
DOI  :  10.2172/950984
RP-ID  :  INL/EXT-08-14842
PID  :  OSTI ID: 950984
Others  :  TRN: US0902124
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】
This report introduces two draft Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP) Technology Development Roadmaps (TDRMs) and documents the methods used to create them. As such, this report depicts the development of the hardware needed to successfully operate the NGNP and identifies this hardware by the area of the plant it supports and by system, subsystem, and component (SSC). Several options exist for which technologies are selected to fulfill the functions of the NGNP. These options are represented by differing SSCs and are grouped into reference designs. Each SSC associated with each reference design is evaluated, rated, and assigned a technology readiness level (TRL). A rollup of the TRLs allows for comparison of the various reference designs. A TDRM then documents the tasks needed to obtain information in key discriminating criteria to support technology down selection and the tasks and test required to sufficiently mature the technology and reduce the likelihood of technological failure upon installation. This report presents the path forward, methods, and tools used to understand the requirements, manage the uncertainty, and mitigate the risk for the NGNP project. The key tool, TDRMs, is the means to facilitate NGNP risk-informed decision making, technology down selection, and technology qualification and maturation while serving to coordinate engineering, research and development, and licensing efforts.
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