Appendix I - GPRA06 solar energy technologies program documentation
关键词: EERE;    program;    GPRA06;    solar;    scenario;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1216503
RP-ID  :  None
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1216503
Others  :  Other: 2323
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

This appendix provides detailed information on the assumptions and methods employed to estimate the benefits of EERE’s Solar Energy Technologies Program. The benefits analysis for the Solar Program utilized both NEMS and MARKAL as the analytical tools for estimating the Program’s benefits. As will be discussed below, a number of assumptions and structural modifications to the models were made in order to represent the suite of solar technologies funded by the program as accurately as possible (Photovoltaics, Concentrating Solar Power and Solar Water Heating). Many of the assumptions used in the FY06 analysis are the same as or similar to those employed in the FY05 analysis; however, two key changes are important to highlight up-front. First, the AEO2004 analysis used a new set of reference case assumptions with respect to photovoltaic technology cost reductions. The new sets of reference case assumptions are very similar to the Solar Program’s targets for PV. This shift in assumptions necessitated developing a new approach for estimating the baseline (i.e., no program) input assumptions for PV. Second, the FY06 analysis included CSP technology benefits – CSP benefits were not included in the FY05 analysis.

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