Aerosol penetration of leak pathways : an examination of the available data and models.
Powers, Dana Auburn
关键词: AEROSOLS;    CAPILLARIES;    CONTROL ROOMS;    DEPOSITION;    EFFICIENCY;    ORIFICES;    PLUGGING;    PROBABILITY;    SAMPLING Aerosols.;    Aerosols-Mathematical models.;    Concrete-Analysis.;   
DOI  :  10.2172/953727
RP-ID  :  SAND2009-1701
PID  :  OSTI ID: 953727
Others  :  TRN: US201013%%56
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

Data and models of aerosol particle deposition in leak pathways are described. Pathways considered include capillaries, orifices, slots and cracks in concrete. The Morewitz-Vaughan criterion for aerosol plugging of leak pathways is shown to be applicable only to a limited range of particle settling velocities and Stokes numbers. More useful are sampling efficiency criteria defined by Davies and by Liu and Agarwal. Deposition of particles can be limited by bounce from surfaces defining leak pathways and by resuspension of particles deposited on these surfaces. A model of the probability of particle bounce is described. Resuspension of deposited particles can be triggered by changes in flow conditions, particle impact on deposits and by shock or vibration of the surfaces. This examination was performed as part of the review of the AP1000 Standard Combined License Technical Report, APP-GW-GLN-12, Revision 0, 'Offsite and Control Room Dose Changes' (TR-112) in support of the USNRC AP1000 Standard Combined License Pre-Application Review.

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