Quantification of the association of ventilation rates with sick building syndrome symptoms
Fisk, William J. ; Mirer, Anna G. ; Mendell, Mark J.
关键词: 32;    SYMPTOMS;    VENTILATION;    INDOOR AIR POLLUTION Association;    Health;    Quantification;    Sick building syndrome;    Symptoms;    Ventilation rate;   
DOI  :  10.2172/962711
RP-ID  :  LBNL-2035E
PID  :  OSTI ID: 962711
Others  :  TRN: US200917%%92
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】
Data from published studies were combined and analyzed to develop best-fit equations and curves quantifying the change in sick building syndrome (SBS) symptom prevalence with ventilation rate. For each study, slopes were calculated, representing the fractional change in SBS symptom prevalence per unit change in ventilation rate per person. Values of ventilation rate, associated with each value of slope, were also calculated. Linear regression equations were fit to the resulting data points, after weighting by study size. Integration of the slope-ventilation rate equations yielded curves of relative SBS symptom prevalence versus ventilation rate. Based on these analyses, relative SBS symptom prevalence increases approximately 23percent (12percent to 32percent) as the ventilation rate drops from 10 to 5 L/s-person and relative prevalence decreases approximately 29percent (15percent to 42percent) as ventilation rate increases from 10 to 25 L/s-person.
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