Multi-Scale Coupling in Ocean and Climate Modeling
Zhengyu Liu, Leslie Smith
关键词: CLIMATES;    DISTURBANCES;    ROTATION;    SIMULATION;    STRATIFICATION rotating fluid;    nonlinear dynamics;    ocean dynamics;    climate dynamics;   
DOI  :  10.2172/977104
RP-ID  :  DOE/ER25703-3 Fianl Report
PID  :  OSTI ID: 977104
Others  :  Other: MSN103537/144-PC05
Others  :  TRN: US201109%%368
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】
We have made significant progress on several projects aimed at understanding multi-scale dynamics in geophysical flows. Large-scale flows in the atmosphere and ocean are influenced by stable density stratification and rotation. The presence of stratification and rotation has important consequences through (i) the conservation of potential vorticity q = {omega} {center_dot} {del} {rho}, where {omega} is the total vorticity and {rho} is the density, and (ii) the existence of waves that affect the redistribution of energy from a given disturbance to the flow. Our research is centered on quantifying the effects of potential vorticity conservation and of wave interactions for the coupling of disparate time and space scales in the oceans and the atmosphere. Ultimately we expect the work to help improve predictive capabilities of atmosphere, ocean and climate modelers. The main findings of our research projects are described.
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