Conceptual Model of Offshore Wind Environmental Risk Evaluation System
Anderson, Richard M. ; Copping, Andrea E. ; Van Cleve, Frances B. ; Unwin, Stephen D. ; Hamilton, Erin L.
关键词: AQUATIC ORGANISMS;    CONSTRUCTION;    DESIGN;    ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS;    EVALUATION;    FUNCTIONALS;    MOCKUP;    ORGANIZING;    PLANNING;    RISK ASSESSMENT offshore wind;    environmental effects;    risk analysis;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1000144
RP-ID  :  PNNL-19500
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1000144
Others  :  Other: EB2501010
Others  :  TRN: US1100206
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

In this report we describe the development of the Environmental Risk Evaluation System (ERES), a risk-informed analytical process for estimating the environmental risks associated with the construction and operation of offshore wind energy generation projects. The development of ERES for offshore wind is closely allied to a concurrent process undertaken to examine environmental effects of marine and hydrokinetic (MHK) energy generation, although specific risk-relevant attributes will differ between the MHK and offshore wind domains. During FY10, a conceptual design of ERES for offshore wind will be developed. The offshore wind ERES mockup described in this report will provide a preview of the functionality of a fully developed risk evaluation system that will use risk assessment techniques to determine priority stressors on aquatic organisms and environments from specific technology aspects, identify key uncertainties underlying high-risk issues, compile a wide-range of data types in an innovative and flexible data organizing scheme, and inform planning and decision processes with a transparent and technically robust decision-support tool. A fully functional version of ERES for offshore wind will be developed in a subsequent phase of the project.

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