Gap Assessment in the Emergency Response Community
Barr, Jonathan L. ; Burtner, Edwin R. ; Pike, William A. ; Peddicord, Annie M Boe ; Minsk, Brian S.
关键词: EMERGENCY PLANS;    PROGRAM MANAGEMENT;    ERRORS;    RESPONSE FUNCTIONS Gaps analysis;    emergency management;    PIE;    percission information environments;   
DOI  :  10.2172/993345
RP-ID  :  PNNL-19782
PID  :  OSTI ID: 993345
Others  :  Other: 400904120
Others  :  TRN: US201023%%360
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】
This report describes a gap analysis of the emergency response and management (EM) community, performed during the fall of 2009. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) undertook this effort to identify potential improvements to the functional domains in EM that could be provided by the application of current or future technology. To perform this domain-based gap analysis, PNNL personnel interviewed subject matter experts (SMEs) across the EM domain; to make certain that the analyses reflected a representative view of the community, the SMEs were from a variety of geographic areas and from various sized communities (urban, suburban, and rural). PNNL personnel also examined recent and relevant after-action reports and U.S. Government Accountability Office reports.
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