Simulations of RF capture with barrier bucket in booster at injection
Gardner, C.J.
DOI  :  10.2172/1039274
RP-ID  :  BNL--96853-2012-IR
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1039274
Others  :  R&D Project: KBCH139
Others  :  18031
Others  :  Other: KB0202011
Others  :  TRN: US1202182
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

As part of the effort to increase the number of ions per bunch in RHIC, a new scheme for RF capture of EBIS ions in Booster at injection has been developed. The scheme was proposed by M. Blaskiewicz and J.M. Brennan. It employs a barrier bucket to hold a half turn of beam in place during capture into two adjacent harmonic 4 buckets. After acceleration, this allows for 8 transfers of 2 bunches from Booster into 16 buckets on the AGS injection porch. During the Fall of 2011 the necessary hardware was developed and implemented by the RF and Controls groups. The scheme is presently being commissioned by K.L. Zeno with Au32+ ions from EBIS. In this note we carry out simulations of the RF capture. These are meant to serve as benchmarks for what can be achieved in practice. They also allow for an estimate of the longitudinal emittance of the bunches on the AGS injection porch.

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