Developing Research Capabilities in Energy Biosciences: Design principles of photosynthetic biofuel production.
Donald D. Brown ; David Savage
关键词: photosynthesis;    enzyme function;    metabloism;    protein structure and function;    signal transduction;    development and differentiation;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1044608
RP-ID  :  DOE/ER/15978
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1044608
Others  :  Other: LSRF Final Report
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

The current fossil fuel-based energy infrastructure is not sustainable. Solar radiation is a plausible alternative, but realizing it as such will require significant technological advances in the ability to harvest light energy and convert it into suitable fuels. The biological system of photosynthesis can carry out these reactions, and in principle could be engineered using the tools of synthetic biology. One desirable implementation would be to rewire the reactions of a photosynthetic bacterium to direct the energy harvested from solar radiation into the synthesis of the biofuel H2. Proposed here is a series of experiments to lay the basic science groundwork for such an attempt. The goal is to elucidate the transcriptional network of photosynthesis using a novel driver-reporter screen, evolve more robust hydrogenases for improved catalysis, and to test the ability of the photosynthetic machinery to directly produce H2 in vivo. The results of these experiments will have broad implications for the understanding of photosynthesis, enzyme function, and the engineering of biological systems for sustainable energy production. The ultimate impact could be a fundamental transformation of the world's energy economy.

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