Uranium Neutron Coincidence Collar Model Utilizing 3He
Siciliano, Edward R. ; Rogers, Jeremy L. ; Schweppe, John E. ; Lintereur, Azaree T. ; Kouzes, Richard T.
关键词: CONFIGURATION;    DESIGN;    NEUTRON DETECTION;    NEUTRONS;    PROPORTIONAL COUNTERS;    SAFEGUARDS;    URANIUM He3;    neutron detector;    coincidence counter;    MCNP;    safeguards;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1049668
RP-ID  :  PNNL-21581
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1049668
Others  :  Other: NN4009030
Others  :  TRN: US1204569
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

The Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Safeguards (NA-241) is supporting the project 'Coincidence Counting With Boron-Based Alternative Neutron Detection Technology' at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) for development of an alternative neutron coincidence counter. The goal of this project is to design, build and demonstrate a boron-lined proportional tube based alternative system in a configuration typically used for 3He-based coincidence counter applications. The specific application selected for boron-lined tube replacement in this project was one of the Uranium Neutron Coincidence Collar (UNCL) designs. This report, providing results for model development of a UNCL, is a deliverable under Task 2 of the project. The current UNCL instruments utilize 3He tubes. As the first step in developing and optimizing a boron-lined proportional counter based version of the UNCL, models of eight different 3He-based UNCL detectors currently in use were developed and evaluated. A comparison was made between the simulated results and measured efficiencies for those systems with values reported in the literature. The reported experimental measurements for efficiencies and die-away times agree to within 10%.

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