Renewal of Collaborative Research: Economically viable Forest Harvesting Practices that Increase Carbon Sequestration
Dail, David Bryan1 
[1] University of Maine
关键词: Forest harvest;    carbon sequestration;    shelterwood harvest;    selection harvest;    off-site accounting;    growth modeling;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1084688
RP-ID  :  DOEHarvest2012
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1084688
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

This technical report covers a 3-year cooperative agreement between the University of Maine and the Northeastern Forest Experiment Station that focused on the characterization of forest stands and the assessment of forest carbon storage (see attached for detailed description of the project). The goal of this work was to compare estimates of forest C storage made via remeasurement of FIA-type plots with eddy flux measurements. In addition to relating whole ecosystem estimates of carbon storage to changes in aboveground biomass, we explored methodologies by partitioning growth estimates from periodic inventory measurements into annual estimates. In the final year, we remeasured plots that were subject to a shelterwood harvest over the winter of 2001-02 to assess the production of coarse woody debris by this harvest, to remeasure trees in a long-term stand first established by NASA, to carry out other field activities at Howland, and, to assess the importance of downed and decaying wood as well as standing dead trees to the C inputs to harvested and non harvested plots.

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