Initial Assessment of the Consolidation of Chalcogels into a Viable Waste Form
Riley, Brian J. ; Lepry, William C.
关键词: chalcogel;    chalcogenide;    iodine;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1051204
RP-ID  :  PNNL-21655
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1051204
Others  :  Other: AF5805000
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

This report provides some preliminary data for the consolidation of chalcogen-based aerogels. The chalcogels tested to date at PNNL show great promise as iodine sorbents and preliminary consolidation research shows that they can be melted into a phase-pure glass at moderate temperatures. The preliminary consolidation experiments show that these materials might attack fused quartz so an alternative crucible material will likely need to be used to prevent this. The next steps will be to ??? Consider melting other chalcogel chemistries, e.g., Sn-Sb-S, Ge-Sn-S chalcogels ??? Consider melting chalcogels with adsorbed iodine to monitor iodine loss during melting ??? Optimize the consolidation temperatures to minimize the iodine loss and volatilization

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