Exploring the Genome and Proteome of Desulfitobacterium hafniense DCB2 for its Protein Complexes Involved in Metal Reduction and Dechlorination
Sang-Hoon, Kim ; Hardzman, Christina ; Davis, John k. ; Hutcheson, Rachel ; Broderick, Joan B. ; Marsh, Terence L. ; Tiedje, James M.
关键词: Genome;    Proteome;    Desulfitobacterium hafniense DCB2;    Protein Complexes;    Metal Reduction;    Dechlorination;    Desulfitobacteria;    pollutants;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1051830
RP-ID  :  DOE--ER63923
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1051830
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

Desulfitobacteria are of interest to DOE mission because of their ability to reduce many electron acceptors including Fe(III), U(VI), Cr(VI), As(V), Mn(IV), Se(VI), NO3- and well as CO2, sulfite, fumarate and humates, their ability to colonize more stressful environments because they form spores, fix nitrogen and they have the more protective Gram positive cell walls. Furthermore at least some of them reductively dechlorinate aromatic and aliphatic pollutants. Importantly, most of the metals and the organochlorine reductions are coupled to ATP production and support growth providing for the organism's natural selection at DOE's contaminant sites. This work was undertaken to gain insight into the genetic and metabolic pathways involved in dissimilatory metal reduction and reductive dechlorination, (ii) to discern the commonalities among these electron-accepting processes, (iii) to identify multi-protein complexes catalyzing these functions and (iv) to elucidate the coordination in expression of these pathways and processes.

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