Case Study of Envelope Sealing in Existing Multiunit Structures
Dentz, Jordan1  Conlin, Francis1  Podorson, David1 
[1] ARIES Collaborative, New York, NY (United States)
关键词: ARIES;    envelope leakage;    multifamily;    affordable housing;    blower door test;    shell leakage;    enclosure leakage;    air tightness;    air sealing;    residential;    residential building;    aries;    building america;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1219796
RP-ID  :  DOE/GO--102012-3583
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1219796
Others  :  Other: 5969
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

This report describes envelope air sealing that was included in the retrofit of a 244 unit low-rise multifamily housing complex in Durham, N.C. On average, total leakage was reduced by nearly half, from 19.7 ACH50 to 9.4 ACH50. Important air leakage locations identified included plumbing and electrical penetrations, dropped ceilings/soffits, windows, ducts and wall-to-floor intersections. Specifications and a pictorial guide were developed for contractors performing the work.

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