Recommended Parameter Values for GENII Modeling of Radionuclides in Routine Air and Water Releases
Snyder, Sandra F. ; Arimescu, Carmen ; Napier, Bruce A. ; Hay, Tristan R.
关键词: GENII computer code;    input parameters;    environmental radiation dosimetry;    scenarios;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1120105
RP-ID  :  PNNL-21950
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1120105
Others  :  Other: 401001060
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

The GENII v2 code is used to estimate dose to individuals or populations from the release of radioactive materials into air or water. Numerous parameter values are required for input into this code. User-defined parameters cover the spectrum from chemical data, meteorological data, agricultural data, and behavioral data. This document is a summary of parameter values that reflect conditions in the United States. Reasonable regional and age-dependent data is summarized. Data availability and quality varies. The set of parameters described address scenarios for chronic air emissions or chronic releases to public waterways. Considerations for the special tritium and carbon-14 models are briefly addressed. GENIIv2.10.0 is the current software version that this document supports.

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