Craig E. Barnes
关键词: catalysis;    heterogeneous catalysts;    nanostructured catalysts;    single site catalysts;    selective oxidation catalysts;    nanostructured metal oxide catalysts;    porous solids;    glassy solids;    amorphous matarials;    complex oxides;    building block synthesis of nanostructured solids;    silicate matrices;    atomically dispersed metals in silicate matrices;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1067473
RP-ID  :  DOE-UTK-ER15259
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1067473
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

A broadly applicable methodology has been developed to prepare new single site catalysts on silica supports. This methodology requires of three critical components: a rigid building block that will be the main structural and compositional component of the support matrix; a family of linking reagents that will be used to insert active metals into the matrix as well as cross link building blocks into a three dimensional matrix; and a clean coupling reaction that will connect building blocks and linking agents together in a controlled fashion. The final piece of conceptual strategy at the center of this methodology involves dosing the building block with known amounts of linking agents so that the targeted connectivity of a linking center to surrounding building blocks is obtained. Achieving targeted connectivities around catalytically active metals in these building block matrices is a critical element of the strategy by which single site catalysts are obtained. This methodology has been demonstrated with a model system involving only silicon and then with two metal-containing systems (titanium and vanadium). The effect that connectivity has on the reactivity of atomically dispersed titanium sites in silica building block matrices has been investigated in the selective oxidation of phenols to benezoquinones. 2-connected titanium sites are found to be five times as active (i.e. initial turnover frequencies) than 4-connected titanium sites (i.e. framework titanium sites).

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