Scrape-off Layer Flows With Pressure Gradient Scale Length ~ {rho}{sub p}
Robert J. Goldston
关键词: Divertor;    Divertor modeling;    Divertor Plasma;    Edge Modeling;    Edge;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1073492
RP-ID  :  PPPL-4855
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1073492
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

A heuristic model for the plasma scrape-off width balances magnetic drifts against parallel loss at c{sub s} /2, resulting in a SOL width ~ {rho}{sub p}. T{sub sep} is calculated from Spitzer???H?��rm parallel thermal conduction. This results in a prediction for the power scrape-off width in quantitative agreement both in magnitude and scaling with recent experimental data. To achieve the ~ c{sub s} /2 flow assumed in this model and measured experimentally sets requirements on the ratio of upstream to total SOL particle sources, relative to the square-root of the ratio of target to upstream temperature. The Pfisch-Schl??ter model for equilibrium flows has been modified to allow near-sonic flows, appropriate for gradient scale lengths of order {rho}{sub p}, resulting in a new quadrupole radial flow pattern. The strong parallel flows and plasma charging implied by this model suggest a mechanism for H-mode transition, consistent with many observations

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